DECOLONISE—share sovereignty
DECAPITALISE—limit growth
REORGANISE—share power

RECONNECT—nature, each other
RE-EVALUATE—respect the feminine
RECUPERATE—rest, heal, recreate


About Us

Philosophilia is a YouTube channel promoting intersectional, activist philosophy. Hosted by Jack Laurian Pascoe, its core principles are radical reasoning and radical love — meaning its thinking is based in passion, compassion, rationality, and recognition. The project is built around a theory about how value and power have been shaped by patriarchy—a theory called the politics of penetration. Definitions of key words and special terms can be found in the Glossary. An inner circle of passionate supporters funds Philosophilia; you can join them here.

Latest Videos

It’s all about the videos. Thorny essays delivered with wit, heart, inexorable reason, scattergun references, and a variable costume budget.

Liz Cheney, Accidental Democrat “Hero”

I was motivated to riff on the bizarre phenomenon of progressives fawning over a hardline conservative because she declined to follow the bulk of her beloved Republican Party into loony fascist territory. I mean good on Liz Cheney for showing us it’s still possible to be a Republican with some sort of integrity.

But the other …

Bumbling towards the Apocalypse

Our first tailor-made YouTube short is a whimsical offering, as I begin to experiment with the under-a-minute formula.

Latest Articles

Scripts, news, art, argument. Join the conversation referring directly to the video transcripts.

4 Solid Reasons

VIDEO TEXT: Four Rock-Solid Reasons Why Abortion Should Be Legal

Yes, we publish the texts of video essays here on the website, in case you want to see it in writing.


Under all the angst, the abortion debate isn’t really about when life begins. It’s a dispute over who has a right to violence, on whom, and …

Women Vs Ppl W Wombs

VIDEO TEXT: Women vs People with Wombs (REDUX)

This is the text of the video as it was eventually uploaded—a new and improved version of the original essay. I’ve left the text of the lost video up as a record; particularly attentive critics might be interested to compare them.


Last month I promised that this month we’d …

She's tweeting...


It’s important for philosophers to define their key words and specialist terms. Find explanations of the central concepts in the politics of penetration—terms used all over Philosophilia.

We promote peace generally and amiable self-regulation in public discourse to that end, and therefore demand civil interaction on our sites. Passion is welcome; acrimony is not.