As everyone keeps saying, it was never more important for us to connect, to stay connected, to organise, and to keep making new connections. Below is a link to our growing directory of organisations, businesses, and networks that seem to us to act in a way that upholds the principles outlined on this site.
They're businesspeople, activists, concerned citizens from all walks of life. Many are Australian, like Philosophilia, but our network, like our philosophy, has a global outlook - we're building a directory of ethical enterprises large and small, based near and far, grouped by major focus.
Pick your battles, find your people.
And if you'd like to be listed in the directory, fill out the form below - we'll check out what you do and get back to you shortly.
We promote peace generally and amiable self-regulation in public discourse to that end, and therefore demand civil interaction on our sites. Passion is welcome; acrimony is not.