A story I promised you


Remember I said I’d tell you why I had to get a new fridge? It’s because I found a kitchen dresser like the one in my dream kitchen—a massive panelled edifice with bevelled glass panes in its doors, multiple generous drawers, shelves, cupboards and benchtops, and big brass keys.

The leaky old twin fridge and freezer I inherited from my grandparents years ago was overdue for replacement anyway, but the dresser was coming in no matter what, and the fridge didn’t fit any more.

I’ve a shiny new (secondhand) Fisher and Paykel now, and the dresser is glorious.

Crafted in Germany’s Black Forest region in the late 1800s, it came out to Australia with an emigrating family in the mid-twentieth century. It comes apart into several pieces for transportation, and is exquisitely well made.

I found it on Facebook Marketplace for an absolute song: apparently antique dealers weren’t interested; the elderly owner’s daughter was desperate to get rid of it and happy it was going to someone so thrilled to have it.

It makes me smile whenever I walk into the kitchen.

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