Hello, my dears—how are you all? Click through on the link to Patreon at bottom and talk to me (and each other). What’s pandemic life like where you are?
Here in Sydney and surrounds we’re inching toward release from a lockdown which, if my memory serves me correctly, has been going for more than ten years. (And I’ve had it relatively easy!)
I am looking forward with a mix of eagerness and trepidation—which is not uncommon, I gather, but I claim more reason than most. When lockdown lifts, my little team and I can get together for a video shoot, and when that’s done, we begin the six-week countdown to launch Philosophilia!
Are you excited? Godknows, I’m practically quivering. I’ve been working toward this for a year now, and if all goes even more or less as planned, it will change my life.
It’s also going to change this forum—hopefully a lot, but in ways that will only benefit you. Expect more detail in weeks to come (I haven’t forgotten your shirts, only been sternly advised to put off spending on merchandise just yet!)—and in case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the link to the website again. It will go live in the next week or two, when the URL will change to philosophilia.com.au.
Thank you all, as always, for your patient support—it means so very much to me. So don’t be shy—tell me your thoughts, via Patreon, social media or text message!