It’s happening, my lovelies

The big revamp is underway. Videos are being edited, web content written; soon I’ll be archiving that loooong profile description in favour of something much more concise about Philosophilia.  Tell me what you think of these visuals, designed by me and realised with the skilled assistance of my Director of Photography, Aravind Shanavaz, aka the Light Pirate. I’d love to hear your reactions.

You, my original patron saints, will have special privileges of some sort in this brave new world; I haven’t quite figured out what yet, except to start with this:

Each of you, in due course, will be sent a piece of merchandise: Salt will get two postcards, Cinnamon a coffee mug, and Juniper a T-shirt. Choose your design from those above (tbh I don’t recommend the unbalanced yin-yang; it could make you ill, but take your pick of the logo and the politics of penetration symbol, or even one of each for the postcards) and in what will probably be a few weeks (launch is now planned for June) they will arrive on your doorstep.

Bear with me; everything is in flux but it’s all flowing in the right direction.

Oh, except my media assistant. Well, she did flow in the right direction, it was just away, and now I need another one. Know anyone who might be keen for a modestly paid position as Media Co-ordinator for a startup?

I love you all; you are awesome. Stay in touch xo

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